Sunday 9 January 2011

Oh what a beautiful morning sun-day: day 9...

A beautiful sun-day, crisp and cool and fresh.
Just the thing to get me out from behind my desk.

And so I headed out on my day 9 sunday run,
Looking forward to the fresh air and some running fun.

I did a risk assessment, it didn't look too bad.
By the time I was a mile in, I thought that I was mad.

My favourite country lane, sheltered by the trees,
was treacherous in places, not good for my knees.

Dodging icy puddles, sliding on the frost,
I did a runners U turn and criss-crossed.

Back home again I trotted, feeling very smug,
that I had done another chunk of miles with which to blog.

So my little 3.5, gets added to the list,
my body is adapting and is starting to get the gist.

My calorie intake is quite high, I'm feeling very hungry,
But also (addictively) looking forward to my run on Monday!



  1. Fantastic blog, clever you that would take me days to do!

  2. Hehe - with you on the hunger! :) Into double figures!!

  3. And you claim you're nota blogger!

  4. really inspiring blog! Great read and well done with Janathon! Rob
