Tuesday 4 January 2011

Day 4: Rhyme Time

Miles:1 (ok it's a REST DAY)
Time: Early- Shreddies o'clock
Legs: 2- looking great though!

Today should be a rest day, I can feel my dodgy knee,
But is there any rest for those who signed up just like me...?

Rest is not an option on the Janathon quest,
It's all about how many times you can wear your fluorescent vest.

How many miles you can clock up before the end of Jan,
(And hopefully we wont end up walking like my nan).

We will be fit and lean and toned, and bursting full of pride,
And really, really good at keeping a lengthy stride.

But today was a rest day, which means my run was short...
A cheeky little mile that was my outdoor sport.

And so my dodgy knee, its cartilage in tatters,
Gets a whole day to rest, before it really matters.

Tomorrow isn't rest day, or the next day or day afters...
This janathon thing will turn us into grafters.

I know I'm not the candidate to secure a janathon win,
But maybe if you've read my blog it might have made you grin.

Or wince or groan or even moan, it doesn't really matter,
Because these musings of my run are really only chatter.

(If you've made it this far you deserve a medal!)


  1. haha I like it! :-)

    I'm newly acquired dodgy ankles been I'm already walking like my Nan though! Eeeek

  2. Love reading your blog! Keep up the good work :o)
