Friday 7 January 2011

I know a young lady who swallowed a 7.

Total miles: 17.6
Number of flies swallowed:1

One week down, what a great feeling. Today's run was tirring, my legs, knees fet etc are ok, I just felt really tired today! Still another 2 brings week ones total to just over 17. To some that may be a drop in the ocean, to me that's 17 more than last week, and the week before and the week before!

I am really chuffed, just need to figure out some kind of plan for next weeks running as I am currently following the well know plan 'make it up as you go along'.

Flies are usually the 'fly in  the ointment' of the summer runners life, you plod along happily, enjoying the cool summer breeze till suddenly, you break out into a coughing fit as you've swallowed a fly, then follows mass coughing  and usually sudden death, well maybe not the sudden death but it's pretty annoying! Today I swallowed a fly and given I was quite tired a bit wheezy ,I had been puffing like a dyson in need of a service, this added at least 30 seconds to my run as I coughed spluttered and choked. The lady at the bus stop was trying not to laugh as i ran past red in the face, spluttering.

Am off for a dip in a cold bath before a hot celebratory shower. I know there are mixed views on ice baths  but for me it helps recovery, especially when you are pushing yourself.

Thanks for reading my bogs this week, have a great weekend. xxx


  1. Oh god i hadn't even thought about the perils of flying insects. How perfectly horrid!

    Congrats on making it a whole week. Yippeeee!!! If only we got weekends off hey :P

  2. Weekends off...oh yes, please, can't wait!

  3. just think of the nutritional value of it!
