Tuesday 25 January 2011

Duatha-run - day 25

I'd planned a longer run today... I managed 4 miles before the school run. Mini-Jogger-not-a-blogger is never very chuffed when I collect her straight after running I think it's my London marathon reject jacket :o) It's white and well quite chavvy!  But the fact remains that I still ran 4 miles and did a day at uni..whoop.

Not content with that, I had tea (sweet and sour chicken and a jacket) Mini went out to her club and so I was left twiddling my thumbs...I took the rash decision to get kitted out again and run another 3 miles taking today's total to 7 miles! I'm not sure if it counts as a 7 miler, but I am going to count it as such...!

So after last weeks disastrous mileage, I am doing well this week.

Today: 7 miles
Total janathon miles:71
Muffins consumed:1
Kit kats:1
Guilt level: -1


  1. 7 miles you must be pleased, and to go back out again sounds like you have really got the bug!

  2. Loving the double #janathoning!!

  3. oooh, you've pulled a double! You is 'ardcore innit!
